Importance Of Breadboard Tips

Breadboard is a facilitator of the most easiest reliable process of making the prototype of any electronic  circuit possible,as a  result of this known fact;efforts should be made to observe all the tips that will enhance its required manufacturer performance.Like any tool,if the rules governing its usuage are not properly observed,there is every possibility that the life span of the solderless board will be shortlive.In order to make  sure that we did not compromise the perfect usuage of the board so that the effectiveness of the breadboard will not be totally questioned.We will  try to hand over some of the basic tips that are the surefire way of bullet proofing it against untimely destruction of the breadboard.Efforts will be made to give an indepth precautionary tips  that must be observed at every stage of solderless board usuage.Lets quickly delve into the most cogent tips that must be our rule of the thumb or preferably our companion all the time for productive result of working breadboard.
8 Solderless Board Tips That Must Be Observed
1.Strip the insulator of the wire with wire stripper in such a way that the bare end will reveal the conductor.If wire stripper is not available,you can improvised by using a pair of blunt long nose plier and a pair of side cutter.Use the long nose plier to grip the wire while the side cutter should  be used with  all required care to pull out the insulator thereby leaving  behind the bare conductor with appreciable length.
2.When using side cutter  and long nose plier,try to avoid situational problem like kinking of the bare end of the conductor.Technically,considerable length of of bare conductor should be made available for proper insertion into the available socket or hole of the breadboard.Solderless board has many strips of metal that connect the rows and columns together. The metal strips are springy so that when you poke a wire into the hole, the clips grab onto it.There are short ones that connect five row holes at a time, and then there are very long ones that connect twenty four or more.It equally have two sets of double rails on either side.
3.To make an effective connection on the breadboard;push the bare end of the wire which should be between 0.25mm to 0.85mm into the socket as shown below.The bare end of the wire must be connected in upright position so as to conform with absolute connectivity and not at an angle.
4.Wires that has dirty or kinked ends must be avoided.Dry joint or open circuit occurs as result of the aforemention drawback.
5.All the terminals of the electronic component should be sandpapered or preferably use razor blade to remove all the cog in the wheel of progress that might likely insulate the terminals from predetermine connectivity.
6.Make sure you take cognizance of the test points on the layout diagram of the prototype cicuit so that it will be in tandem with the circuit diagram.
7.Determine the rail that will be allocated for positive and negative source of power supply.This is essential rule of the thumb before embarking on the insertion wires and components on the solderless board.
8.Color codes of the wires must be strictly adhere to;it usually fast track the identification of test points,positive(red or brown) and negative rails(black or blue).

An Overview Of Breadboard

The fastest way to put a circuit together is on the breadboard which is sometimes called solderless board or plug board.It looks like sliced bread in appearance;this attribute makes it possible for electronic components terminals to be inserted and removed at will with ease.It is mainly used for the termination of wires and electronic components. A breadboard  can equally  be called protoboard because it is  mostly used for the prototyping of  basically most of the electronics before soldering on the Printed Circuit  Board or Veroboard for final production.The present day breadboard is made of a perforated block of  either themoset or thermoplastic with numerous tin plated phosphor bronze or nickel silver alloy spring clips under the perforations. The clips enhance the securing of components terminals and wires to the desire point of electrical connectivity.These clips is mostly referred to as tie points or contact points.The number of tie points is often given in the specification of the breadboard.
Breadboard does not require soldering components and above all,it is reusable. This property makes it easy to be use by electronics hobbyist to test run the electronics circuit before soldering on Printed Circuit Board.Solderless breadboards comes in different sizes and shapes. Manufacturer of these boards abound,most of their products has a similar outlook and layout;always do a due diligence test on the major search engine so as to pick the desired specification for the electronic project at hand.A typical solderless breadboard  layout is made up of two types of areas, called strips. These strips are interconnected electrically.It  has power-rails and sets of "tie-points" or "holes" as shown in the above photo.The power rails  are detachable.These rails are interconnected horizontally.The main board are interconnected vertically.A notch running in parallel to the long side is used to spilt breadboard to two equal halves.The reason for this is to create space for termination of Integrated Circuit,provides unrestricted airflow  for cooling of the Integrated Circuit, and also to prevent the pin out of IC from short circuit. 
The components are connected with hook-up wire (called jumpers) by stripping the ends to expose the wire at both ends. Or you can use 0.5mm tinned copper wire (make sure the jumpers do not touch each other).Do not cut the leads of the components as you may want long leads on another project. While using breadboard,neatness is not important. The important thing is to build as many circuits as possible as each one will help you understand the usage of the board.